Price list

Price taxi to the airport from CZK 690 for up to 4 people


30 €

Max. 4 person



42 €

Max. 8 person


Prague airport, main train station, Florenc / Smíchov bus station

1 – 4 person5 – 8 person
Hotel (in city centre)Airport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Central StationAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Florenc Bus stationAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Holešovice train stationAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Masarykovo nádražíAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Smíchovské nádražíAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Na Knížecí BusAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)
Zličín Bus stationAirport690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)

Services: Car rental with driver

ServiceSedanMinibusPrice unit
Car rental with driver690 CZK (31 €)990 CZK (42 €)1hr
Waiting time fee250 CZK (12 €)300 CZK (14 €)1hr

Another cities

You will find the exact prices in our reservation system.

MěstoSedan 1 – 4 osobyMinibus 5 – 8 osob
Brno5200 Kč7200 Kč
Dresden4300 Kč5700 Kč
Karlovy Vary3600 Kč4700 Kč
Kutná Hora2300 Kč3000 Kč
Melnik2000 Kč2600 Kč
Mlada Boleslav2500 Kč3200 Kč
Ostrava9900 Kč11800 Kč
Pilsen (Plzeň)2800 Kč3700 Kč
Salzburg9700 Kč11700 Kč
Spindleruv Mlyn4800 Kč6300 Kč
Terezin2200 Kč2900 Kč
Vienna8800 Kč10600 Kč